Saturday, March 29, 2003 9...

I’m in Siena, sitting in the shell-shaped something or other right in the middle of the town, where supposedly in the spring they let the horses run through for some festivities. Visited Il Duomo cathedral (molto gothic, built in the 12th C, where I’ve never seen so much in-laid marble. Most of the art was done by Pisarro and Donatello. Thea’s gone and am here by myself, meeting up w/another friend of a friend for dinner. However, for lunch, I had the most pleasant experience. I went to Trattoria Papei, their menu being a bit more extended than other home style restaurants. They had things like Zuppa du Cippola and wet pastas like Papardelle al Cinghiale. Dang, if I were a guy, I could eat so much more of the food here, what a bummer. Anyway, I got the Crostini de pate fegatini di pollo (chicken liver pate on toasted bread) and Fettini di Vitello (grilled slices of veal) w/a side of Carciofi al cartoccio (baked artichokes). Another excellent meal. I was about to ask for the bill, when my waiter brought over a glass of Vin Santo and a single Cantucci (what Americans call Biscotti, very dry dense almond cookie. In fact, biscotti here just means cookie). I think I had just discovered one of life’s most pleasant combinations, especially after a meal! Like rice and kimchee. My waiter pointed to 2 older gentlemen sitting at a table nearby who had so kindly ordered the dessert! How Italian and sweet! I went over to their table and greeted them w/a hearty kiss, a grazie and a arrivederci!

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