Sunday, January 21, 2007


Today we visited an organization (Social Action for Women) that runs a handful of services (children's crisis center, safe house for women, hospice care for HIV+, and education ) for mostly abandoned Burmese children in the border town. we played down by the banks with the kids, who all had a serious case of scabies (need to do cost comparison to dump all existing mattresses/towels/clothes vs continue buying meds for bugs and symptoms. i say dump all the stuff and buy new, treat the kids once and for all rather than continuous symptomatic treatment. at least it would improve their daily quality of life to eliminate the scabies once and for all. how much would this cost? if anyone is interested in pitching in a $100 bucks, that will buy new mattresses for 40 kids). i'm pitching in to buy a new washing machine for the center...

also, there was a woman who is HIV+ who had a enormous tumor on her eye the size of a grapefruit. she had a dressing over it so i couldn't see it, but it was very maladorous from the dead tissue spreading throughout her face. i felt so bad. i went with my doctor friend, and while they were explaining her situation to us, you could see the pain and humiliation that she was experiencing. the tumor was described as being a big open sore, like a volcano. and because of the dead tissue, flies got in there recently and laid their eggs, which resulted in maggots crawling out of the poor woman's eye. the local clinic that serves burmese migrants could not help nor the local thai hospital

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