Thursday, May 9, 2013

In light of the recent violence towards muslims and the Rohingya in -urma, this incisive reading came to mind....

"....But almost always, during the initial stage of the struggle, the oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors, or "sub-oppressors." The very structure of their thought has been conditioned by the contradictions of the concrete, existential situation by which they were shaped. Their ideal is to be men; but for them, to be men is to be oppressors. This is their model of humanity. This phenomenon derives from the fact that the oppressed, at a certain moment of their existential experience, adopt an attitude of "adhesion" to the oppressor. Under these circumstances they cannot "consider" him sufficiently clearly to objectivize him—to discover him "outside" themselves. This does not necessarily mean that the oppressed are unaware that they are downtrodden. But their perception of themselves as oppressed is impaired by their submersion in the reality of oppression. At this level, their perception of themselves as opposites of the oppressor does not yet signify engagement in a struggle to overcome the contradiction; the one pole aspires not to liberation, but to identification with its opposite pole.
 In this situation the oppressed do not see the "new man" as the person to be born from the resolution of this contradiction, as oppression gives way to liberation. For them, the new man or woman themselves become oppressors. Their vision of the new man or woman is individualistic; because of their identification with the oppressor, they have no consciousness of themselves as persons or as members of an oppressed class. It is not to become free that they want agrarian reform, but in order to acquire land and thus become landowners—or, more precisely, bosses over other workers. It is a rare peasant who, once "promoted" to overseer, does not become more of a tyrant towards his former comrades than the owner himself. This is because the context of the peasant's situation, that is, oppression, remains unchanged." 
- Pedgagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire

Sunday, June 3, 2012

May was the Super Moon of the year, when the full moon was going to be the closest to the earth.  We drove up to Topanga Canyon to get a mountaintop view.  We waited at the Top of Topanga, along with many others who were also awaiting the lunar spectacle.  However, the viewpoint faced mostly north, towards the valley.  The church located at the next viewpoint over, was higher up, and stuck out more and had a better eastward vision.  We decided we'd take the chance and find a better location.  As we drove back towards the ocean, we winded down a bit and headed into a neighborhood enclave, but there were too many houses and no space to see east.  We then turned down Viewridge.  At that point, we were a little disoriented, and I was trying to re-establish which direction was which, and we were also frazzled that we would miss the moon over the horizon.  Then, all of a sudden, there it was: directly infront of us, giant, radiant, so obvious and in our face.  We squealed in glee and jumped out of the car, got in the middle of the road, and I rested my camera on the ground since I hadn't brought my tripod.  And these are the images we captured. 

Date: May 5
Location: 8 hours west of GMT
Moon Rose at: 7:37pm
Sun Set at: 5:59pm

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Moons of 2012 #4

This month, I almost failed to capture the moon.  I had forgotten my camera when I went over to my sister's place.  On our way out of Deep Dell, we got a glimpse of the moon from the hills, and was able to capture this using an Droid phone.  
Date: April 7 
Location: 8 hours west of GMT
Moon rose at: 8:52pm
Sun set at: 7:19pm

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Moons of 2012 - #3

These are taken at the top of the parking structure #4 in Santa Monica. We peeped out of the office to capture the moon.
Date: March 6
Location: 8 hours west of GMT
Moon rose at: 4:30pm
Sun set at: 5:54pm
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Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today, I struggled to find a functioning pencil, and when I did, I couldn't find a pencil sharpener. I finally remembered where my old Panasonic pencil sharpener was, but the batteries were dead. I considered sharpening it with a knife, per BF's suggestion. Luckily, I found a mechanical pencil instead! As I started to write notes on a scratch pad, I became cognizant of my own handwriting. It looked unfamiliar, detached. As if I hadn't seen my own handwriting in a long time. As I was writing, I felt like I was watching someone else write the words "# of study villages", "population of study villages", etc....

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Moons of 2012 - #2

I almost forgot about chasing moons, for some reason, I thought it was going to happen next week, and then as I was biking home, I saw the almost-full moon high in the sky, and it was still so light out (only about 5:15pm). Anyway, I remembered the next day (actual full moon), but I was worried that because it rises 56 minutes later each day, that it would be too dark by the time the full moon rises. I biked over to the reservoir, ready to take some sunset and moon rise photos. This month, the sun is
scheduled to set a few minutes later, so I was hopeful.

In the 1st photo, you can see it just starting to appear behind the trees.
In the last photo, I switched to manual mode. I had been using aperture mode for all the other photos.

Date: Feb 7 2012
Location: 7 hours east of GMT, BKK time zone
Moon rose at: 6:25pm
Sun set at: 6:24, but got dark at about 6:45

Moons of 2012 - #1

I've decided that I will test out my photo taking skills by capturing all the full moons (or almost full) of this year. Here's my first attempt. Of course, being my baseline photo, it is crappy. Therefore, you shall see drastic improvement by at least Moon #7.


Date: Jan 9 2012

Location: 7 hours east of GMT, BKK time zone

Moon rose at: 6:35pm

Sun set at: 6:06pm, but it got dark about 15 min later.