Saturday, January 22, 2000

sucks to be ecuadorian

it's terrible what is going on in ecuador. there is a golpe de estado (coup d'etat) that has enunciated the president and he is detained and the army and indigenous political organizations have closed down the supreme court and congress. the leader or at least instigator of all
this is the ex general of the army who is now a senator in the congress, can you believe that? quito and the entire country is in chaos, protests going on everywhere, military about everywhere, but little violence unlike the coup that happened in chile with pinochet. the coup in E. is not accepted by the international community and the US supports the president. but the extreme economic measures that the president imposed on the people, the cuts in so much
social spending and the attempt to dolarize the economy has driven the people to this. transportation is stopped. my colombian friend who is trying to return to his pais is stuck in quito and had to backtrack to guayaquil to avoid the blocked via panamaerica. i wonder how my ex companeros are doing in cuenca. i haven't heard from them, but i know that they are against the dolarization of their econommy. i don't quite understand how that would affect everyone. i need to learn more about that. well, i left 1 week be the national protests started and i am so lucky bc had i waited a bit longer, i wouldn't be able to leave the country bc all the municipalidad and immigration offices are probablay chaos or shut down and since i was illegally staying in eucador, i would have had serious problems leaving.
this is actually such a crazy thing to be happening, so close to me, to the country where i had lived for half a year. i only read about golpes(coups) in texts mostly and once or twice in the newspaper about some sub-saharan african coutnry. so to be right here when all this is going on, in my generation, blows me away. i feel terrible for the ecuadorians. all year, i witnessed the rapid deterioration of the economy; the super-high inflation driving people to agitation and anger, rushing madly to buy dollars(only means of monetary security for them), with weekly bursts of protests from the police sector to the transport sector to the national health to students(which became the norm) having lost complete faith in the democratic process bc the president and his political interests worked so fervently and selflishly to pursue their greedy
interests, and having the people pay for their corruption by freezing down all current bank accounts while the state cleaned the bank "corrupt" financial system. i was there, as an extranjera, although wroking voluntarily for children, enjoying the fucking extremely low prices of everything that my strong dollar was providing me. i am so lucky and fortunate.
so these are my latest news, i am now in cuzco, tying up my trip like a big circle.
i am buttfucking tired for not having slept in the last 2 days, but i will rest, go out, and hopefully do some trekking in a couple days. i miss you all and for those of you in the states, NOS VEMOS PRONTO!