Monday, September 27, 1999

sea lion attacks tourist!

i am back in cuenca and it is good to back at the base. or maybe, it is just good to be back on land for more than a stretch of an hour. although, the repercussions of the week long catamaran ride
around the galapagos are still being felt as i stare at the computer swishing and swashing like the waves ofthe ocean. sometimes, i need to take a deep breath and remind myself that i am on stable ground. it isn´t too bad as i can reminisce about the fucking amazing animals that i saw and swam with and the cool people i shared a lovely dream vacation with. hmmm... some reflections-

*the aforementioned subject above refers to the male sea lion that chased me, mistaking me for one of its male competitors. that made me doubt the shape of my body and the slimming down i have done- is it all an illusion? i dont think i am that big. or maybe they are near sighted mammals...

*once again, i met a group of cool dutch people.

*adrenaline and terror equals it really can give one superhuman powers- at that precise moment when the sea lion came after me, i turned into a record breaking freestyle swimmer.

*oh, the giant tortoisess are so cute!

*we were fed like queens and kings with a top notch chef on board that catered to all our gastronomic needs. lekker!

*in BaƱos, we biked halfway to the jungle. let me remind you that i hadn´t been on a bike for over 5 years so my cofidence wasn´t all there, yet i made it miraculously, dodging buses and trucks passing us not particularly driving like they cared for these stupid tourists getting in their way on this dodgy road with a cliff and no railing on one side. i can give myself a pat on the back for that one. i won't even go into details about being stuck in a tunnel w/no light reflectors as this truck came speeding towards us...

well, those seem to the highlights of my trip. now i am apartment hunting and i might just have a place in a couple days. need to get out of this hostal- it just so happens that this is where is the prostitutes go and i discovered peepholes in many of the bathrooms and rooms. hmm, not the best place if you are looking for privacy or a decent chat with the other customers.